2. Classification of Cakes

  Classification of cakes

 (i)  Cakes without icing: these are cakes contain higher percentage of fat or butter may contain dry fruits, fruits etc.

  •          Butter sponge
  •          Caramel cake
  •          Madeira cake
  •          Victoria sponge
  •          Swiss roll


(ii)Cakes with icing: the base for decorated cakes is a fatless sponge or Genoese.

  • Cream and fruit cakes
  • Black forest cake
  • Chocolate truffle cake
  • Butter icing cake
  • Royal icing cake

General methods for making cake

  • Rubbing-in-method
  • Creaming method
  • Whisking method
  • All in one method

Basic types of cakes:

  • Butter type cake
  • Foam type cake
  • Chiffon type cake
  •  Butter-type cake: contain butter and baking powder
  • Chiffon cake: it includes baking powder and vegetable oil,
  • Pound cakes: type of butter cake, made with a pound each of butter, sugar, eggs, and flour.
  • Butter layer cakes: can be arranged in layers
  • Angel food cake: is made with egg whites.
  • Genoeseis made with whole eggs gives it a richer flavor than angel food cake
  • Sponge and foam cakes
  • Low-or no-flour cakes: cakes made without flour have a creamy. Can be baked or unbaked:
  • Baked flourless cakes: baked cheese cakes and flourless chocolate cakes.
  • Unbaked flourless cakes: these types of cakes are typically molded in a dessert ring or spring form pan then simply chilled before unmolding.